If anyone is travelling to Brazil and wishes to bring their drone on the trip, I can provide the homologation service for 130 dollars or 115 euros via PayPal, which includes the Anatel fee. Unfortunately Anatel (Brazilian Communications Comission) does not provide clear information regarding foreigner tourists bringing their drone temporarily into the country, but they do demand homologation license for all drones being imported, and it is valid for 2 years. The process is done online, it is in Portuguese only, and requires that the applicant have a CPF number (Brazilian social security number), and the fee payment has to be done through a brazilian bank (Banco do Brasil), so that's is where I come in and do the process under my name. The process has to be done well in advance before your trip, as it can take anywhere from 5 to 20 business to be concluded.If anyone needs this service, please let me know. I have homologated 5 drones so far.Regards,David Achedavidache@yahoo.com

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  • Hi David

    Dont take me wrong, but what do you mean Drones? Phanton? I mean that Anatel drives the comunication links, so just to be clear, would be good if you could list the frequencies/pwr that are alowed in Brazil. In my case, i use LRS that cannot have the homologation.

    • Guilherme,

      I homologated 3 Phantom 3s, one Inspire 1, and a custom built quadcopter. As long as the product has a FCC certification, it will be fine. In case of custom built drones, they ask for the transmitter's and receptor's FCC certifications.

    • I'm sorry, but if you do this job for me, I'm equally outside the law, because the approval of ANATEL, is made in their name, then I get irregular and the Federal Police hunting me the device when entering Brazil.

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