The group for those who fly drones in the Canadian airspace.

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  • Hello,

    I have a Pixhawk PX4 Flight Controller and I want to use it with the PHANTOM 3 PRO 4K Camera Can you help me to connect this camera to my pixhawk and get it worked.
    Best regards
    Phantom 3 Accessory/Spare Part - 4K Camera
    Phantom 3 Accessory/Spare Part - 4K Camera
  • How do you reply to a comment here?

    Kelsey Ferland, my father lives in Mississauga, so I came by a few times. One time I went by the lake at Port Credit, and I saw a DJI Phantom going by. I think it's fine there since, you are over 9km from Pearson airport (12km), and also the airport at the Toronto Island (17km).

  • I'm thinking of building my first quadcopter, but the TC regulations are what's stopping me right now. I live right in the middle of Mississauga, so there's not really anywhere nearby for me to fly a drone (at least that is what I gathered from the regulations). I currently don't have a vehicle either, so I can't get out of the city to fly it. Am I basically out of luck?

  • @William FYI - if you're looking to stay compliant and make sense of all of the TC regs - a new website called launched which takes online SFOC applications. It makes things really simple, you can start your application by filling out a form and they will compile an application for a permit and walk you through the application.

  • Ok someone help me understand these government regulations

    solo3dr and for fun but would like to take a course.

    Ive read the regs until my eyes went crossed eyed

    rule 75? 500 feet from people, animals.. doesn't that eliminate flying Canada?

  • Ok newbie here

    trying to network to other drone pilots in the Fraser valley Chilliwack, Abbotsford,langley or vancovuer

  • Yes (RPM) - I took the UAV Ground School course, and yes, it satisfies the Transport Canada requirement.

    I believe they have one (slightly cheaper) if you're only going for the two exemptions, and another more detailed if you're going for SFOCs. (I took the SFOC one).



    This is the course option I have been looking into. It is much more reasonably priced and I believe there is still no exact requirements as to which course you have to take. Just that you need completion of ground school training course.

  • Moderator

    Here is a course I am signing up for:


  • Hi I'm from Vancouver I'm new to drones. I wanted to know what's going on with FAA. Are they going to allow drones to fly now.

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Hi All,Not sure if this is the correct place for this, and if not I apologize.  I represent SkyX, Inc. a data acquisition company located in Markham, ON.  We are looking for a hardcore C/C++ developer to become a critical part of our team working on the Jetson TX4 and Pixhawk boards for our drone SkyOne.If you are this person, and want to be a part of something really cool, please send your CV to jason.b@skyx.comwww.skyx.comThanks!-Jason

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toronto company

Has anyone here heard of deveron UAS based in toronto? i have been a long term believer & public shareholder  in this company, very impressive with what they have accomplished so far in the Canadian drone market. The company is considered still in it's growth stages when it comes to reaching its full market potential. The products range from UAVs, analytic software, data and sensor products to help you make data driven decisions on your…

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Mapping visualization and article on the new Canadian drone rules

Hello all, new to the forum here :-)I'm a technologist and recreational pilot flying the DJI Phantom 3.I've just written a post on the effect of the new Canadian drone rules on recreational uses and early stage application developers that may be of interest to people on the forum here. was driven originally by some mapping visualization based on aerodrome data I acquired. In addition to the post above, you…

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Easy SFOC Applications

If you're struggling to make sense of TC's regulations, a new website launched that creates an application for you. Check out All you have to do is fill out an online form, answer the TC questions, and they will generate an application for you within 24 hours. They make sure you understand what TC expects, and what your responsibilities are. They also provide you with a full operations manual.  Screen Shot 2016-07-05 at 8.03.30 PM.png

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