I think I saw this somewhere else, but attached here is the manual for the FlySky FS-TH9x RC transmitter.
With the IRIS package, 3DRobotics made customizations to the transmitter, so you don't need to go messing with them, but there were things I wanted to learn - like how to set up the timer and alarm to keep me aware of my approximate flight duration so that I can get the IRIS back to me before it initiates a land somewhere over a disastrous place (like a lake or river)
Thanks for the manual. In review of it, the display examples within the manual do not look the same. Wonder if I have some Fr-Sky Knockoff.
Anyway, I have messed around with my CH8 mixer to "attempt" landing gear operation. Wound up adding several mixer functions and now I am at the point where I need to delete what I have added. In review of some other youtube examples, I saw where there should be a delete mix option. I do not have this option. I am stuck.
Any help is appreciated.
Does anyone know what the small device is that sits between the FRsky D4R-II and the Pixhawk? In the following image you can see the Frsky on the left, if you follow the green, black and red wires it runs to a small black heatshrunk "thing". Leaving it are the blackand red wires going to the TELEM 2 port on the Pixhawk.
Sorry the image is poor
that is the link module between Pixhawk and your transmitter to display telemetry data on your transmitter.
Thanks Wade
I managed to get my time working for my Iris transmitter.
1 )Press and hold menu
2) Use the up/down to select 3D Iris if not already selected.
3) Press the right > button for SETUP
4) Press the down arrow several time to the Timer 2 OFF and press menu
5) Use the up down/up arrows to select THs
6) Press the right arrow and so that it is on the left 00 of the 00:00
7) use the up arrow to 9 or how ever many minutes you want to time.
8) Press the down arrow and press MENU if you want to have it beep every minute in the countdown
9) Press the down arrow again press Menu so the "Count Down" is checked and exit.
Now when ever the throttle is up off of its fully down position the timer will count down.
Then press MENU to reset the timer.
are you happy with this TX ? thank you ?
Thanks Ken.
Also found a link from a German site. It's a different file size, so it may be a different version.
The manual is full of the typical chinese-translated-english which is quite comical, but I think it makes some sense. Here is an exerpt: