Develop standard, re-usable inexpensive solutions for IP-enabled always-on UAVs over cellular IP networks such as GPRS, 3G, 4G etc.

Primary goal: Telemetry over low cost cellular [achieved in testing]

Secondary goal: Bi-directional GCS/Telemetry over cellular IP [achieved in testing]

Tertiary goal: High speed IP for streaming IP video over cellular 3G/4G

STATUS: Bi-directional telemetry over cellular IP (UDP or TCP) is now working. It has been flown successfully while logging live telemetry to a GCS at home, several miles away [distance is really unlimited]. Currently working on improving code, more testing and broader hardware support.

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  • Sounds like TPG will be no good for you then. I bet they do have a public APN, just a case of finding someone who can give you the info.

  • Hi Toby,

    No the apn is simply TPG and according to the company that is the only apn they have.

  • Definitely Rick,

    The product I linked hasn't been out for very long from what I have heard and also documentation is scarce (as to be expected). 

    Hopefully soon we might have some kind of easy, open-source solution. Perhaps an add-on for AP 3?

  • Harrison,

    Well, the various rules and laws I think are a topic for another thread.

    I just would like to see a step by step plan on doing something that someone did that was a success. Then others like myself can start experimenting. :)

    Right now I don't even know what can be done realistically or how to do it, much less what rule or law I'm breaking .... make sense?   


  • Yeah, thats what I am thinking Rick.

    The only problem with this is that it is all well and good having the ability to fly from anywhere in the world while you plane is anywhere else but because of restrictions on UAV flight and how far away you can go from the operator then you cant take advantage of this.

    I know the UK UAV rules are that you cant fly out of LOS without a 'sense-and-avoid' system which there really isn't a good system for that yet that is cheap!

  • Yes, Harrison that looks really cool....  

    I just don't want to start buying things till I see what other folks are doing.

    If someone could post a step by step process they have done successfully, we may discover this would be the best way to go. Or maybe someone else has already tried that and has a better way.

  • I would really like to see someone getting this working as it looks like it could be a easy addition as a arduino shield.

  • Is there someone who could write up a little "how to" to get started in this - 

    If someone has something up and running - could they post a guideline for a newbie to get started experimenting.



  • Greg ,ry....


    As your apn settings
  • hmm sounds complicated :)

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need help understanding if we can rin it on a 2560 multiwii?

hi guys might have a project that require telemetry especially tracking and logging . how do I get about setting up an multiwii 2560 drone to communicate to GSM module and what would be on the server side if it uses 3G 4G systems im looking for people to collabthe idea is to run it off a web browser and serversuggested links pertaining to hardwares and codes on both aircraft side and server side would be helpfulthanks

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2 Replies

Telemetry via LTE, Controlling your infrastructure.

Hey guys, I'm brand new to this forum, but far from brand new to the sUAS industry.  I've been a engineer and developer in this arena since about 2012.  I wanted to hop into this discussion to get some insight and exposure for some of the stuff I've been working on.  I'm the Chief Innovations Officer at Fenix Group Solutions out here in D.C.  I wanted to expose you guys (hopefully reaching the developer community) to VCore.  VCore is a fully virtualized 4G LTE core network in the form factor of…

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3 Replies

WiFi Drone Disabler - Security Matters

Hey guys,I came across an article about making a Drone WiFi disabler on Make that I thought was cool. Then I realized that this could be a future problem for some people. In short, make sure that you are setting up encryption especially if running SoftAp.This hack basically makes use of the fact that some manufacturers don't set the encryption by default when first launched out of the box. This is just a heads up to everyone so you aren't a future…

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