could you tell me who is personally, legally accountable in case of drone crash case reported to law enforcement officers, FAA due to known bugs, flaws in Pixhawk flight controller ?
I have followed tens of discussions on this and other forums and
‘‘§45509. Micro UAS operations ‘‘(a) MICROUAS CLASSIFICATION.—There is hereby established a micro UAS classification of unmanned aircraft systems, the aircraf
“We won’t hesitate to take strong enforcement actions against anyone who flies unmanned aircraft in an unsafe or illegal manner," Huerta said."""""
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I would like to access calculation tools to let me build prototype of VTOL Copter - Fixed Wing Plane Hybrid then upgraded with Catamaran for Water takeoff and water landing.
I would like to have such hybrid ready for VTOL operation at Shellfish Farm
I have contacted Frank Rinderknecht about his self-driving Rinspeed Etos car featuring personal drone by DJI, landing on moving platform at the heck of Etos asking for an opportunity to live test his car and drone.
Hi,how to integrate MinimOSD with weather sensors connected to arduino board to be displayed as video overlay in MinimOSD(no PX board connected)- Ground Station/ Tower run on tabletto get live data received via MAVLink protocolWiFi Radio / 3G smartph
my friend would like to build mobile weather station (made of copter, plane, rover or boat) and a lite version integrating MAVLink protocol into arduino board + GroundStation (Tower ..) for drawing saved/ updated data charts.
" If you own a drone, you must register it with the Federal Aviation Administration's Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) registry. A federal law effective December 21, 2015 requires unmanned aircraft registr