Laird Foret's Posts (1)

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CHEAP LIDAR: We were looking for an inexpensive LIDAR (laser ranging) solution for a robotics project we were working on. We could not find one so, using the lidar unit for the XV-11, we developed one: PROTOX2D LIDAR ( Its simple to use - via the provided usb cable, simply read Serial output (115200bps, 8N1) the angle and distance values. Angles 0-360 degrees, and distance value are in millimeters(mm). Can be used with many sbc such as raspberry pi, pcduino, pc, mac, etc....any device that can read serial output via usb.

data output: Unit ID, Y Degree (always 0 for ProtoX2D), X Degree, Distance in mm, Quality of Signal, RPM of Laser Assembly, CRNL

EXAMPLE USE from a Linux terminal:

>> screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

sample output:
['A1', '0', '276', '239', '1094', '203']
['A1', '0', '277', '239', '1100', '203']
['A1', '0', '278', '240', '1123', '203']
['A1', '0', '279', '240', '1118', '203']
['A1', '0', '308', '302', '734', '203']
['A1', '0', '309', '298', '881', '203']
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