I stumbled across this project yesterday. It uses UWB Decawave chips. The Pozyx is a Arduino shield. The system is made up of 4 anchors around the room and 1 arduino compatible tag. A Pozyx team member confirmed that their system could be p
I'm trying to design and build an "open source" radar system. The premise is that while we have the hacked Neato and the RoboPeak system, I've not found anything for outdoor use. So I've built this scanner pictured below.
I read somewhere the official 2.46 had track steering problems. I understand the current beta fixes that issue. Many thanks to all developers. But the current beta now seems to have disabled the GPS's. Since I'm working with Piksis, I really don't kn
While playing around with the latest Pixhawk roverware and the new piksi GPS system I came across the new compass calibration 3D screen. Very cool! So I gave it a try. It seems to ask me to rotate my rover around on all three axis. Since my rover wei
I think I've followed all the correct procedures. I can successfully set my servo low, high and toggle manually from mission planner flight data screen, but I cannot do so from within a mission between 2 waypoints.
I have a Dimension Engineering "Doubleswitch" R/C relay on my Pixhawk controlled rover. I need to turn this relay on at a waypoint during the rover's mission.
So far I've done the following; 1) Set the BRD_PWM_COUNT to 2.
Is there any trick to get a rover to turn about its middle. I've set the skid steer IN to 0, the skid steer OUT to 1 and the steer2srv_p to 1/2 the distance between my drive wheel. It drives OK but I can't make the rover turn hard on the spot.
I've just assembled my rover with the Pixhawk kit which included the GPS and PPM encoder. The GPS is mounted 5+ inches above the top of the rover. Inside the rover is a Dimension Engineering 60 amp motor controller and 2 17AH batteries.