A question. After flying a quadrocopter, when I download logs from the flight controller, it lasts only 28 minutes. Whether it is possible to write logs lasting more than 28 minutes?Since I fly more than 28 minutes.
I assembled the Skywalker 1900. In the manual mode, it flies normally. In the automatic mode, starting with stabilization, and further - does not fly. Can you advise where to start? With the standard settings started but not at all adequately flies.
Hi. This problem noticed. When planning a mission using Auto WP - Create Spline Circle. After entering values. Mission planner hangs. And that is all. help me please.
Maybe we should say this to developers to fix them
I would like to know who is sitting down. RTL_FINAL to 0 or Land? Will the new firmware turn off the engine when landing? Is it okay to take off and land between checkpoints? There are also a number of minor issues. In RTL why he sometimes climbs