



Brisbane, QLD

About Me:

I am one of the developers of the RepRap.org Arduino Mega firmware for 3D printing!. I also fly full-sized Gyro-copter/s for fun. I'm founding president for http://hsbne.org ( Australia's first HackerSpace ! )

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I have just built a platform for a ACM ( ardu copter mega ) using the APM + oilpan + turnigy motors + etc, and am a serious arduino software hacker



Activity Feed

davidbuzz commented on Kirill's blog post SmartAP 3.2 Pro Available
"> proprietary   well, that's a shame.  it might have been interesting if it ran something open."
Jun 14, 2017
davidbuzz commented on Kirill's blog post SmartAP 3.2 Pro Available
"So, does it run ArduPilot or PX4?  "
Jun 14, 2017
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"there's a super helpful post from Kent at RFDesign who gave details on what setting/s to change....  here: http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/rfd900-new-long-range-radio-modem..."
Jan 30, 2017
davidbuzz commented on Chris Anderson's blog post NASA simulates Phantom airflow
"really...?   they doubled the number of rotors and were surprised by the fact that it nearly doubled the thrust?   "
Jan 12, 2017
davidbuzz commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Volta extends from drones to autonomous cars
"....or more specifically ArduRover . docs:  http://ardupilot.org/rover/    discussion: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/ardurover"
Jan 6, 2017
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"PPM over the 900+ is not currently possible, at all. Its a new feature of the 900x, which have a more powerful processor onboard. Ravi said:
can someone suggest if the PPM input and output via pin15 is possible on older RFD900+. would the firmware…"
Nov 29, 2016
davidbuzz commented on Joe Renteria's blog post Helicopter Concept
"ideas are cheap.  you need to make one.  just do it.     https://s19n.com/ideas-are-cheap-execution-is-worth-millions-e203ef..."
Nov 22, 2016
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"AFAIK:   the 900x radios are superior to the 900+ in just about every way,  ( which itself is great) but the loss that had to occur in doing the more advanced features of the 900x was that they are not (currently) air-compatible with the 900+ radios…"
Nov 14, 2016
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"Just for the record.... I'm not presenting un-educated opinion here.   I know the manufacturer, they are in the same city as me.  I have visited their offices many times.  "
Sep 30, 2016
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"The manufacturer is most certainly not "abandon"-ing anything, quite the opposite, they have invested heavily in new design/s, features, code, etc, as will be seen soon enough.... and if you feel their documentation is lacking, then it's only got to…"
Sep 30, 2016
davidbuzz commented on DROTEK's blog post TINY RTK : The world smallest precision GPS ... and the cheapest
"what's it weigh *with* an antenna of equivalent capability to one/s we usually use. :-)    It won't work without an antenna.  :-)"
Sep 12, 2016
davidbuzz commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Using a Pixhawk-powered drone to drop bugs that kill other bugs
"I think you forgot to mention that the software that enables all this is ArduPilot.   :-)"
Sep 7, 2016
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"please explain what you've tried, and why you fee that way..? Mike Mac said:
Why are we getting zero support from the manufacturer?"
Aug 29, 2016
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"the RFD900 is not open hardware, so the complete diagram isn't available. lixiaoming said:
do you have a circuit diagram of RD900"
Aug 28, 2016
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"check the AT commands.   there's one for setting the number of hopping channels.    if you set the number of channels to 1, you should get what you are after.  be aware thoogh that using the radio in this configuration and at full power almost…"
Aug 15, 2016
davidbuzz replied to Seppo's discussion RFD900, RFD900+ - New long range radio modem
"no, you are reading "it" wrong.   what are you reading?  Glen Leeon said :
Am I reading this right?
The modem that is on the quad should have a jumper across pins 2 and 4.
And the modem connected to computer via USB has jumper across pins 4 and 6?…"
Aug 11, 2016