giu's Posts (4)

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Fun with Naza

I know that this is the place of diyers but I am trying to compare Ardu-based copter with other solutions. And by taking into account the conterless hours I spent with Arducopter I can say I am quite satisfied .

This is a video of a friend of mine.



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MookaFrame: New 3D frame

I am trying to convince me that AC2 can fly better...

So, in my spare time, I designed this new frame. I think to send in production (ponoko?) as soon as possible.

The concept is that everything, especially motors, must be protected.

I definitely must add the landing gear, propeller protection and camera mount, shouldn't I?

Any suggestion appreciated.





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[SOLVED] XBee 868 MHz two ways communication

One of the things not clearly said in the Wiki is that when you set Xbee communication, you MUST define correctly the addresses of the modules, otherwise you'll not get right communication.
After, 8 hours of chatting, writing post forum and headache, I noticed this fact when I tried a range test of Xbee by using X-CTU tool by Digi. One module was in loopback (just connect the DDI to DDO on the planeboard of the Xbee, and, obviously, connect the 5V), and the other one was connected to the PC by using a Sparkfun USB expansion board.
The RSSI LED was ON only on the Xbee end, but that one on the PC was OFF. Thus the receiver end was receiving packets from the PC, not viceversa.

Then, I configured the addresses in X-CTU, precisely, in the following way:

Xbee A
DH = address SH of B
DL = address SL of B

Xbee B
DH = address SH of A
DL = address SL of A

One more thing: as descrived in the Wiki, let set the Network ID parameter to be the same for both modules.

I have XB08-DP as firmware, which support only one channel and no MY address.
I ran a range test and all was fine like a charm!
Same, when I attached the Xbee on the APM, switched in Flight Mode, opened up a GCS and saw only data come from the copter.

Remember also to try lower serial data rate if the higher ones do not work. In my settings I tried 57600 as baudrate.
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Configure 6 flight modes for Futaba T7CP

I bought a cheap RC Futaba T7CP on ebay, but I spent 3 days in order to understand the right configurations of switches to enable 6 flight modes.
Here, my solution. Hope useful for the community.
(I used some hints from other blogs)

1. I used SWE and SWA. SWE is a 3-position switch. while SWA is on the left and it is a 2-position switch

2. You have to set End Point, SubTrim and RT in MIX. First, set the ENDPOINT for CH5 to be 50%(UP) and 52%(DOWN). You can tune the values until the pwm value(see point 5.) are right.

3. Then, set the SUBTRIM for the GEAR (CH5) to be 100%

4. Configure a P-MIX ( I used P-MIX1) to be without offset, and with the following rates: 24% and 60% (You can switch between the rates by using the 2-position switch)

5. Exit (END button) and check the pwm values in CLI->test->pwm.

6. Configure you radio in CLI->setup->modes


NOTE: Maybe, in order to not mess the radio setup, you have first to setup radio channel: CLI->setup->radio

I attach some pictures for sake of clarity.

Regards to everyone


1. First set the endpoint for Rudder (CH5)


2.Then adjust the GEAR of CH5


4.Finally, set the mixing program.  I choose P-MIX1

3689412489?profile=original5.Set the Master and Salve Channels (I used for Master CH7 and for slave CH5). Set the 2 rates : you can switch between one and the other by toggle the A switch



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