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  • I did the same using the speedway as wind tunnel with an arm out of the car with a stand to take sensor out of the turbulence in a dead wind day :D

    similar curve results with 5004 sensor, up to a value it sense very little, than it is almost linear.

    now can't remember data but if someone needs it I can provide the excel graph.

  • Thanks for your comments

    All comments are welcome

  • The MPX2010  Datasheet .


    Voltage Output versus Applied Differential Pressure

    The output voltage of the differential or gauge sensor

    increases with increasing pressure applied to the pressure

    side (P1) relative to the vacuum side (P2). Similarly, output

    voltage increases as increasing vacuum is applied to the

    vacuum side (P2) relative to the pressure side (P1).

  • Hamadivo :  I used the formulas of the thesis
  • Alex Lee, the Wind Tunnel Only start from 8m/s to 25 m/s
  • s
  • I reproduced the experiment  of this thesis  (Speed Sensor) 

    Page  144 to 155.

  • The knee seems to indicate the pressure threshold where the air through the pinhole starts to excite the sensor.

    Also, this barometric sensor is measuring pressure (not airspeed), which is related to the square of speed.

    It is not really a pitot, as the total pressure is measured here, and not a differential one, like in a pitot.

  • Hi,

    what kind of ADC converter is used?

    did you used this formula :



  • Hello, do you make something like this?

    Sorry, it's in french.

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