3D Robotics

This is the last weekend for T3 entries!


The deadline for the current T3 competition (auto takeoff and landing) is Sunday night! I know it's still winter in much of the world, but let's get some more entries in. Right now only the UDB team has got their act together with a some impressive missions like the above. And we don't have any multicopter entries are all :-( 

Get out there!

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  • Nice.  I think I found a way to do it in Google earth actually using the properties tab.  It doesn't look as good as the ones you produced, but my input file and yours are not entirely the same.  I was able to kinda figure out that i had the required data from your post so thanks :)3692367272?profile=original

  • Developer

    @David, The picture was produced from the telemetry by a program called flan.pyw (Flight Analyzer), which processes the telemetry from MatrixPilot (a telemetry format called SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA). Flan.pyw produces Google Earth KML.  In this case the effect that you are talking about is done by using a multi point placemark in KML, and adding in options for "Extrude" and "Tessalate". If you want to dig further, see the google reference examples for KML which are possibly easier to understand than my python implementation here. Best wishes, Pete

    KML Reference  |  Keyhole Markup Language  |  Google Developers
  • I'd enter but I am waiting for parts for my quad copter... :/

  • I was wondering and this has very little to do with the post.  How do you get your GPS coordinating going into google earth to produce that nice roller coaster effect where you have the lines going down to the ground ? 

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