
This is the first Flight of VR Brain 5 LX

These are the picture of first drone controlled by VR Brain 5 LX 



After great job did by APM dev team to porting APM firmware on Linux Os our team decide to start to investigate about our design derived by standard VR Brain and ported to Linux .

At the begin we develop a board called Neuron II only as companion computer connected to uBrain as main flight controller and the linux cpu for advanced functionality as low latency video streaming. 

After some test we decide to try to merge all our experience on Neuron II and VR Brain on a single design and put inertial sensor like IMU MPU6000 and barometer on VR Neuron II  and trasform it in VR Brain 5 LX:) 

In our design we evaluate different cpu at the end decide to support RPI 2 cpu and implement on it our hardware design. 

Study and understand the new architecture and at the end we done the first real flight by first VR Brain 5 LX.  Thanks to Luca , Erik and Matteo for firmware and software development and porting and Diego for hardware design. 

In our design we mantain the compatibility with standard VR Accessories like GPS and telemetry and start to evaluate how merge the work done on Neuron II like payload managment , Professional object advoidance ecc to VR Brain LX.

These are the specification of new board : 

VR Brain 5 LX 

  • CPU Quadcore 1 GHZ ARM v7 1 Gbyte of RAM ( RPI 2 ) 
  • IMU Sensor MPU9250 
  • Barometer : MEAS MS5611 
  • 1 Buzzer Output.
  • 1 Led Output .
  • 2 Brushless motor Output ( Option) 
  • 1 aditional Imu for external Brushless Gimbal MPU6000. ( Option) 
  • 1 PPMSUM Input
  • 8 PWM Output 
  • 1 Sbus Input (Optional) 
  • 1 Input for external Magnetometer : VR GPS 8 HMC5983 Temp Compensated.
  • 1 serial input for external GPS : VR GPS 8 ( Ublox M8N / T as Option) 
  • 1 Vr uBrain as aditional flight control (Option) .
  • 1 i2c bus for additional option like : terara ranger , lidar light , air speed sensor , rgb led.
  • 1 SPI bus for additional IMU / GPS.
  • 4 Analog input .
    • Lipo voltage 6S.
    • Current sensor.
    • Spare channel 1 
    • Spare channel 2 
  • On board 5 volt Bec 6S.

Thanks to VR Lab Team , Diydrones Dev Team , Navio and Erlerobotics team for work done until now on APM code and linux porting . Great Job guys :) I hope in the next months that our team star to contribute on Linux version of APM code ,too

for more ino : 


Roberto Navoni

original blog post :

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  • Great Roberto,

    I hope you isolate sensors from vibration like Pixhawk 2, then it would definitely be my next flight controller!

  • do you have any success using wifi or 4g to control drone?

  • Moderator

    Hi Gary,

    we are near to finish the test , the prototype is already in rev C ... I think that the rev D could be the final version . 

    I think that in 1 week finish the flight test and then in the middle of octobre could be available for developers ...

  • Congratulations Roberto,

    Look forward to full APM port.

    When do you expect this board to be available?



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