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  • Admin

    Hi All,

    I am planning on building an RMRC Anaconda and configure it with a Pixhawk. There is a great Anaconda discussion thread on RCGroups, but I would like to know if any of the ArduPlane User Group members has successfully configured the Anaconda with a Pixhawk and got it to fly successfully?



  • Hi guys, I can not download HIL for ardupilot; however,  i can download ardupilot for helicopters; please see the forum post i made on the issue ;http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/pixhawk-set-up-problems

    can anyone please help me, i am stuck because i can not check my stick inputs at all for the simulation tab. I do not want to fly the plane without testing it; any ideas please


  • What is the proper level calibration method for a flying wing like the RVJET? I am having a tough time getting FBWA and LOITER to work correctly without the aircraft diving into the ground. I almost have to pitch the aircraft 25 degree nose up for it to fly level. that doesn't seem right?

  • To developers:

    Some bugs found, described here


  • Hello,
    I bought a skywalker with apm 2.6 & fpv, I learned the basics of piloting aircraft manual. I would take a few days of training to learn the basic use of mission planner and apm 2.6 against remuneration. I am ready to move me in europe and to provide the material, I have not found anyone in France for training so if you can provide me with this please do not hesitate to contact me

  • I am using old firmware 2.74 to be precise 

    so what you think I should do is upgrade the firmware and then use this setting?

  • @Dave Smith

    Hi Dave thanks for the reply

    I switch my radio on first then plug plane

    then I wait until plane has got solid blue for gps lock

    then I go to mission planner and click connect

    motor starts up for a couple of seconds and then stops

    I dont think there is a "arming" feature for planes?

  • Hi 

    When I connect to my ground station my plane's motor starts to run for about 3 seconds and then stops again.

    I don't know how to fix this problem, it is very dangerous 

    If some one knows how to fis this please help

    Its and apm 2.6

  • to control throw in auto mode or FBW mode. lower the values of rll2servo_imax and ptch2rvo_imax parameters. do not lower than 500.

  • What is the proper method to limit the control throws in Arduplane for an airframe with large control throws (e.g. a 3D plane as an extreme example)?

    Should I lower the P gains, or should I put my transmitter into low rates and calibrate it like that in MP?

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Cruise speed

Hi,I want to adjust cruise speed.At default settings I have a ground speed of about 42km/h (without airspeed sensor), and I think the optimal speed should be lower. In the mission planner I have value "Cruise speed", default 12m/s. I updated it to 9.5, but don't see any change in actual cruise speed.How to set cruise speed?Are these different settings with RTL speed? For RTL I prefer keep it as is - less efficient, but more reliable.Is it possible to adjust cruise speed during flight, providing…

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Long distance LiPo

I'm currently building a Talon (v3), mainly waiting for parts.While looking for high capacity batteries I found out two things; There are a lot of brands, and prices are still steep in the high-cap regions.I've also seen a few people on the Tube using 18650 cells, but none of those explain why.Does anyone here have experience with these custom 18650 packs?And which 'cheap' brands of standard 5~12A 4S seem to work best?I'm going to use an Emax GT3526 710KV swinging a 13x6.5 prop, which should…

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5 Replies

Quad plane pitch problem

Hi I have been setting up 2 quad planes, pretty standard setups...flying wing with 4 vtol motors and a rear mounted pusher motor. Both builds wich are on different firmware versions have reversed pitch in quad mode but correct pitch and pitch stabilisation in plane mode. I cannot for the life of me find a parameter related solely to quad pitch reversal. Is there anyone out there that can help with this? Thanks.

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2 Replies

PreArm Check Error : Gyros inconsistent

Hi guys, I have a Pixhawk from Radiolink and always in every first attempt of armed I get the error "PreArm: Gyro Inconsistent".The most strange thing is that i'm using only the external gyro+compass. i disabled the internal to avoid this issue. Also- I tried to recalibrate the gyros at least 5 times.- I changed the firmware version from the latest to the 3.8.53 because i have a friend with the same board and he does not have issues.But i have the same behaviorIf i disconnect the battery and…

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