3s or 4s battery

Hey guys I am just getting started at this and am putting together my first copter right now. I have a pretty good understanding of batteries and I know the difference. Has any body tested over all which is better. Seems to me the 4 series battery would be better. Not really adding that much wieght and lower amp draw. Any thoughts?



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  • Well what battery you use will be dictated by what motor you choose, and how much weight you want to lift.

    Heavy lift motors are going to be in the low kv, high torque range, so you'll pretty much forced to use 4s, in order to use a reasonable size propeller.  Of course if you go with a heavy lift octo configuration, you'll be using motors that are usually better run on 3s batteries.  

    Copters, like the Microdrone Md4-1000 run quad with low kv motors, and get very good flight times, over the 30 minute range.  So, you're right about the 4S being more efficient.

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