Another Hexacopter Build

I started off small with a custom built quad and got the hang of flying multicopters...This just fueled the fire. After doing much research, attempting to build everything from scratch and failing, I decided to start buying components for my hexa. (I've also decided that I need a CNC machine so I can build my own components/parts, so that project is next in line...)

My intentions at the beginning of this project were to be able to lift a camera (from gopro size to dslr size) to take video.

Here is a rundown of my copter...

frame: Hexacopter + configuration (mashup of different parts)
controller/autopilot: APM1
motors: 2210N 1000kv
esc: Turnigy Plush 30A
propellers: 10x4.7, APC SF

battery:  Turnigy 3S 5000mAh
flying time: Currently unknown. Still tuning and working out the kinks. Will test shortly.

radio: Turnigy 9X
video/osd: eventually
other: Sonar, Xbee, Optical Flow, Attopilot current sensor coming soon


Turnigy 9X: LiPo Battery

Camera Mount: x468 with mods (pics to come)




Boom Mount:


Motor Mount:


Power Disk (as I call it):


APM Mount:


Aft View:




Finished Copter:


Here is a quick video of my first flight. It hovers nicely at about 50% throttle. I still have to tune it and balance it out better, but not bad for it's first flight. I will also be checking flight times in the coming days. I'm also in the process of building my camera mount and will post pictures of that soon.

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  • Hi there,

    Like your build. I've just started working with copters and looking at building my own in a few months time. Where do you get your frame parts if I may ask? I am interested in your arm mounts and and roto mounts? 

    Further were did you get your gimble and landing frame. If I may ask what did you spend on such a build in total and what can this thing carry in weight?

    Look forward to hearing from you. Beej

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