APC220 for telemetry in place of xbee



diid somebody tried to use an APC220 in place of the xbee shield and module to calibrate the quadCopter ? Would it function or not ? Seems to be the way to go for a wider range (1km) ! No ?


Thanks a lot for your answers !!!



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  • Hey there.


    I'm also using the APC220 modules for my APM. Thing is, they worked perfectly with the Ardupilot Legacy protocol, but with the new MAVLink, i think the default rate of 9600 Baud is too low (assumption from my side), because the data comes in in 'bursts' and fails every now and then, and i'm not able to read/upload any config over them.


    Anyway, I would like to set the APC's to 19200, but I can't manage to do so. You all seem to have managed, but how? The problem occurs when I start up the configuration tool; I get this highly informative error:


    The tool then starts up, but I don't see any com ports listed. I can however connect to the com port using the APC-mate, and also through the arduino IDE. Also the data connection over 9600 Baud allows me to send and receive data on my PC...


    I have this set of modules: http://www.yerobot.com/apc220-radio-communication-module.html


    Any ideas on what I could do to configure them?


    What may be worth noting is that the USB adapter that I got with my shipment is different from the one shown in the picture. Could tehre be a problem with the pin connection? Could you tell me what pins your USB adapter has and to which APC pins they are connected when configuring?


    btw; I tried with both the APC tool versions: V1.01 and V1.2A, but with te same results


    Thanks a lot for your input!


  • Oops I didn't find this thread sorry !

    ok thanks a lot ! Seems better to go with the xbee if I'm not experimented in writing code :) it looks it work so easy with other arduino boards ...

  • Moderator
    I haven't range tested, but I'm using them and the APC220 radios are compatible. They offer less flexibility than xbee, but serve their purpose as a transparent serial link quite well. You can run Configurator and telemetry, but I've yet to find a good way to upload new firmware over them.
  • Distributor

    Hi Nicolas,


    I would do a search in the main search on the main forum page, you will find a few posts about these units, like this one.






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