APM board voltage minium

I have a generic APM power module.  When I measure the power coming out of the module I find it to be 5.1-5.2V.  When I measure the voltage across A01 I find it to be 4.7-4.8V. When I look at th3e telemetry data it shows 4.7-4.8v, it varies a bit with power on the motor (when I increase throttle it will drop 0.1V.  

So  I am having problems with the APM staying in the selected mode, and also the servos being a bit twitchy in AUTO, or FBW mode.  When in Manual mode the plane will switch to RTL mode once in a while.  This has lead to multiple crashes and a rebuild of the drone (fixed wing plane) I once had a lot of confidence in this aircraft logging over 20 successful missions.  I now don't trust to fly it in manual mode.  I do think this started when I added a power module vs. powering it via separate battery.  I wanted the extra weight to be used for motor and extending the flight time.  There were other changes made at that point also such as additional batteries and moving of the transmitter.  

So the question is could this be causing the problems with the APM?

Thank you in advance.


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