
I have an APM 2.0 that connects fine over USB. Radio calibration in the GUI doesn't. All bars show zero/gray activity. Movement on any of the channels will not produce anything. GUI calibration isn't picking up anything.

If I run radio calibration in the CLI it seems to show something normal.

Setup > Radio calibration gives me all channels with averaging very close to 1100 | 1950 

If I run the Test > PWM it appears all channels are moving smoothly between 11,000 and 19,536

When I run the GUI calibration every channel is exactly 3000 | 0

If I go to the Flight modes area, the mode CH5 is unresponsive and stuck at 0. 

Again inside the CLI, the modes test seems to work fine toggling between certain modes that I can assign different modes at certain ranges using the controls on the radio.

The main HUD is showing disarmed if that helps. No response. I recall before I did an update the HUD was working great even with nothing connected to input/output. It wasn't showing disarmed on startup and I could move the APM around and see it moving on the HUD. I've tried disconnecting everything like before but still nothing on the HUD.

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  • I'm apparently having the same problem as well.

    I have the following setup:

    - Spektrum radio AR400, (I've also tried Spektrum AR8000)

    - APMega 2.5+

    - Arducopter 2.9 Quad

    - Mission Planner 1.2.32 (I've tried 1.2.28)

    When I first connect to the APM using MissionPlanner10, I see the "Connecting MAVlink" retrieval of values from the APM on my screen work just fine.

    I am able to download code and use the CLI to interact with the APM and see that the printed results of the "setup" then "radio" radio calibration are:

    1: 1091  | 1892

    2: 1092  | 1892

    3: 1091  | 1896

    4: 1092  | 1891

    5: 1551  | 1152

    6: 1497  | 1498

    7: 1497  | 1498

    These values all seem reasonable given what I've read in the forums for a 4 channel receiver. The GUI radio calibration shows no happiness, an completes with the exercise with the defaults 3000: 0

    I've put a servo on the various outputs of the radio  and they individually work well, controlling the servo.

    I've put a oscilloscope on the APM inputs with the receiver connected to the APM and the signals look the same as when just connected to the radio - the PWM signal changes with changes in the transmitter controls.

    I have two problems as far as I can tell - 

    1) the Planner GUI won't calibrate the radio in the APM (just as the original poster describes: no green bars moving)


    2) the APM outputs 1-4 (corresponding to the 4 inputs) all have a simple square wave signal out of 1ms "on" and 1ms "off" instead of a PWM signal.

    Thanks for any help!


  • John, I'm having the exact same problem you described here.  How did you fix this??  Thanks!

  • Does anyone think this should be in the APM software section?

    It's difficult to tell if this is a software or hardware issue.

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