Apm mini pro compass problems

HiI can't get mission planner to recognise the compass and gps module when attached to the new Apm mini pro board. Is there a jumper that needs soldering or has it an internal compass?It seems that the unit is working and I have power to my gps unit?.

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  • I you are using the correct cables and plugging in the correct (i2c) port, the only problem I have seen in over 200 builds is with the cable not fully inserted. (There is no need to disable the internal compass.) This link (http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2015-NEW-MINI-APM-PRO-Flight_...) shows how to make the connections.

    • Please help me I can get the compass calibration on this APM

      I got a APM clone I think i got somethin to soldering or cut cause i got a lof oh these on my borad..
      Can I fly without compass calibration?... Can I make the calibration by another method?



  • If it's anything like the apm mini, the internal compass jumper (JP1) needs to be cut using a sharp blade.

    apm mini compass cut - Google Search
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