Arducopter 2.5+ flips on takeoff but?

Help guys !I'm new to Arducopter but love the thought of open source and this site full of tech guys like yourselves !!Problem :- I have a f450 quad flown on kk2.0 board which flew great until I put Apm on it !Apm right direction , escs all configured , flight planner all configured , levelled , radio configured , everything moves right direction ,Don't like the throttle cannot seem to make It smooth , spectrum dx7s two notches on throttle virtually half power , hold quad in hand and it goes mad on one notch ! Seems as if when the Apm realises its tipping either direction it throws full power to the correcting channels which then flips the Quad !Any help is appreciated and reading the forum here we have some great knowledge on the site keep up the good work !Darron

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  • T3
    Sounds like either your APM is not faci g forward or your props on not in the correct order. Are you set for X or + config?
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