Arducopter 3DR and Mission Planner

Hi all,

I just assembled my Arducopter 3DR,  downloaded the newest Processing 1.0, Arducopter 2.3 code and Mission Planner 1.1.34.

I notice that the mission planner has a firmware for arducoptor with it which is nice.  Here is my issue though, I mounted the Mag on top of the Oilpan circuits down and connectors facing forward.  I do not see a way to change the orientation in the mission planner to do this.


My solution was uncomment this line...




as recommended in


Easy peasy, just recompile and upload to the board.


Is adjusting the setting of the Arducopter ok through the mission planner now that I have a different firmware loaded in?  Will this mess up the changes I made to change the orientation of the mag?


When I tried to take off this morning, I noticed the Quad kept trying to tilt to the left.  Without the mag, it was taking off nice and level,  just sliding sideways ocassionally.  Any suggestions?



Peter J. Fischel.

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  • Well it seems that all is well. I flew it a couple of times and seems to be working ok. I don't see much effort from the quad to correct the varying slew.  I am thusfar very impressed with Arducopter code and the 3DR

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