
ArduPlane 2.74beta3 released

I've just released ArduPlane 2.74beta3. I'm hoping this will be the last beta before the 2.74 release. Please test it as much as you can!
The simplest way to try it is to use a pre-built firmware from

Key features include:

There are many more smaller changes as well. I'll post a full list of changes in the announcement for the final 2.74 release.

Note that it may take an hour for the autobuilder to build all the firmwares for the new beta release. Check the git-version.txt in each directory to ensure it is 2.74beta3.

Many thanks to all the contributors to this release!

Cheers, Tridge

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  • Developer

    All of the reports I've had have been positive, and I've done a bunch of test flights myself over the last 3 days, so I have now released APM:Plane 2.74.


  • Tridge,

    Thanks for the release! I was able to get a flight in today on beta 4. Tlog is on droneshare. I flew a bunch of the new Cruise mode and some Acro. The roll and pitch PIDs aren't tuned as well as they could be since I usually fly this plane in manual or stabilize. TECS params were all default, the winds were too variable/gusty for me to bother tuning today. Still, a noticeable improvement over the old algorithm.

    The new modes are awesome! In acro, my Twinstar II felt more like a wing. It just went where I pointed it. It felt very locked in and smooth. Cruise will be great while sightseeing FPV. Even with highly variable wind speeds, it did a great job holding course.


  • Thank you andrew for check my logs, change and tuning and test in flight in next days...and post my logs...the plane is very accurate navigation and attitude compare to old firmwares..the new tacs and l1 navigation is very good...
    My set up is a skywalker black 1880 span, axi 890kv.. 4s8000 mah...and 12x6 prop, 1.3 ghz 1w video..i have a endurance 40 to 50 min.

    Thanks again..
    Best regards
  • Hey Tridge,

    Thanks for the release! I'm now testing this FW as I require the MIXING_GAIN parameter to properly setup a new elevon frame.

    One unusual thing I've noticed is that Mission Planner now takes 20 seconds extra to connect. The connection timeout drops from 30 seconds down to 10 seconds stuck on "trying to connect" before mission planners reads the first parameters. Everything seems to work just fine, but the delay is new in 2.74b4. With 2.73 mission planner only needs 1-2 seconds to receive the first parameters.

    The issue occurs only using the USB connection. Using the 3DR telemetry modules mission planner connects without a delay.

  • Developer

    I've now released 2.74beta4, with two key new features:

    • much improved ACRO mode, with better roll control for smoother loops
    • a new CRUISE mode which should be great for FPV flyers

    Feedback welcome!

    Cheers, Tridge

  • Hi Andrew...congratulations!!!

    i tested the 2.74 firmware...attached the log of my flight...please check the pitot measure is correct and navigations pids and attitude in flight its all ok..

    Thank you very much..


    2013-07-11 14-27-17.tlog

  • Developer

    This is great news Tridge!

    You can also download the code from Mission Planner's Firmware screen by selecting the "Beta Firmwares" link on the bottom right.

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