Attitude Control Class

Hello! This might be hard to answer but I was wondering where in the libraries or ArduCopter code the children classes are specified to run instead of the parent?

For example... we have the rate_controller_run() virtual function in AC_AttitudeControl which is equated to zero because we won't be using it....

see "attach1"

But instead we would be using the rate_controller_run() of AC_AttitudeControl_Multi (see "attach2")... which inherits from the AC_AttitudeControl.... But as we can see.... rate_controller_run is being run from the AC_AttitudeControl class not the AC_AttitudeControl_Multi as seen in "attach3"...

and I would like to ask where in the code does it assign the Multi? (of course that depends on the frame chosen by the user but in my case I use Multi)...





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