
Automatic Chute Trigger


I have done some digging around, maybe I missed this.

We're getting more flying time from Multirotors by making the props bigger (I'm talking about the 1hr+ range), to the point where there are now just downright scary to fly. I was thinking about the topic of automatic chute deployment...

I would like APM (Pixhawk) to trigger a servo that releases a recovery chute automatically (and shut off the motors) should the multicopter tilt more than say 70 degrees (or an adjustable angle). This could also be linked to an emergency kill switch on the RC controller, which would have the same effect (kill motors, deploy chute). This could possibly make a huge impact on the risks of mechanical failure or fly aways.

I'm not an expert at programming, but feel this should be easy to implement in the code and use going forward?

Any thoughts?

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  • Moderator

    You can kill switch stuff now, but how you determine that point is the difficult thing. 

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