Back in the Air

So,  last weeks episode ended with me with my head hanging low and the contemplation that hard drugs and hard alcohol could possibly act as a substitute for my obsession to get into multicopters.


That was the past... this weekend I finished replacing my frame with an XAircraft Hexa.  For those unfamiliar with my saga, my jDrones Hexa ended in a pile of twisted metal last Monday night.  Still in a sense of shock, I ordered the XAircraft Hexa Carbon Fiber and Plastic frame from Taiwan, which I recieved Wednesday!  The new frame is about 3" diameter smaller that the old one, but solidly built.  I never wieghed the jDrones with all of the electronics and legs made out of buckets, but this one feels a little heavier.  The 10" blades come within .5" of each other, so there will be no 12" props on this one.  I also woried about the turbulance caused by them being so close. 

By Saturday, the hexa was back in the air!  I flew it with standard default 2.3 setting and it seems to fly fine.  I haven't yet determined the nuances that I should be tweeking, so it can't be all that bad.  took it to a local school (site of the last disaster) and flew it in stabilize, Loiter and RTL.  Everything worked out spectacular, but I may want to play around with Loiter as the radius is about 3 meters. 

I was a very nervous after the last crash that all of the work I put in would end up with me having to get a box to gather up the pieces when this one crashes.  But I am claiming success!

Here's some pics of the thing I am calling "Black Widow".  Partially becsause its black and looks like a spider, and partially because it scares the hell out of me.










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  • I went through a very similar situation as you, and am currently replacing my jdrones hexa with this bad boy.  Already very happy, and this is only after 10 minutes of assembly (it seems very sturdy)!  Question though, how/where did you attach the hexa-pcb to the frame? A little confused on the best method for doing so... 



  • Any worry about the heat under the dome, or is there enough airflow from underneath to keep things cool enough? Might be a dumb question, haven't built one yet.

  • does look very good and i particularly like the lighting, where did you get that forward facing set of white leds?

    the landing looks nice too, is that part of the frame kit?


  • sweet looking hexa

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