For the longest time I considered this a waste of time, and something that was probably a huge hassle and not worth it. Want to know why some people have copters that dont wobble and fly perfect? Aside from the usual stuff, I would bet 90% of them actually take the time to balance there props.On a multi rotor your props are akin to your wings, and you dont want them wobbling and screwing up your motors and eventually your quad.

Its ridiculously easy! You can get one on Amazon for $10 shipped HERE. All you have to do is put your prop in the middle of this balancing rack and tighten up the nuts. Put the prop balancer on the magnets that hold it, and lightly sand the back edge of the prop (not enough to change contours) until the prop doesn't lean to one side or the other. So far Ive balanced like 20 props, and even my Expensive carbon fiber models were WAY off!

It's a simple thing that gets overlooked WAY to often.


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  • Yes and any time they come in contact with anything they shouldn't, consider them off. Grass, ground, leaves etc..

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