Battery Monitor: Cannnot enter values

I am using the APM1 built-in voltage sensors and try to calibrate it.

APM Planner 1.1.84 does not allow me to enter any value.

I set Monitor= 3: Battery Voltage, Capacity=3000


And then I try

1. APM Input Voltage =4.96 (thats what I measure)

2. Measured Battery Voltage= 11.23 (thats what I measure at my battery)

It says: Invalid number entered...


what am I doing wrong ?



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  • Developer

    the planner looks at the values in

    measured voltage

    current voltage

    and the current divider to calc the new divider.


    make sure all these fields have normal values.

  • Tried the same now on two PCs - Vista and WinXT- always the same effect. Mission planner does not accept any values in the Battery Input tab.

    No idea what to do...

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