Hi everyone,

Not sure how this website works so I hope I'm posting in the right place. I built a hovership mhq2 this summer and I've been flying it and generally having a good time.  This year for a school project I'm trying to build an autonomous Tricopter using arducopter.  The motors/ escs/ props and physical design are underway and should be pretty easy, but I'm having trouble sifting through the insane amount of resources on the best way to do this and I'm looking for some help.

The goals are to have a tricopter that:

  • Has all the classic functionality of arducopter (hover, hold place, follow waypoints)
  • Can follow me around( potentially while skiing, but really I just want to demonstrate that it works)
  • Operate a gimbal for a mobius camera( any advice for the best gimbal would be great)

I'm confused about how all these integrate with a arducopter flight controller, and which would be best for me. I'm considering this APM bundle, and this Pixhawk bundle.  Which would you recommend? Or would you recommend something entirely different?  What are the pros and cons of the two vs. anything else?  I have a Turnigy 9x radio as well, so I need it to be compatible with that radio (or have an easy mod to the radio).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Chad

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