
  • You can use a precise (+-2cm) Indoor "GPS":

    Here the a couple of demos:


  • Not sure what your need is as far a flying the IRIS indoors but I wanted to share this in case you havn't seen it already.  

    Amazing project!


    And here is Chris Anderson and Brandon Hurd speaking a bit about it at ARM TechCon

    • Thanks for the reply. The first link , on the bottom.. That guy is from my department in Naples, Italy :) I knew that project. Thanks anyway.

      The second video is cool :) 

  • You'll need to change the Arming Check (ARMING_CHECK) param within Mission Planner to ignore GPS lock before arming the motors for flight.

  • Yes, no problem, you can't use modes that require GPS.
    • That is what I did to be able to use the IRIS indoor:


      • I tried using these settings for an indoor flight, but was unsuccessful at arming the motors still.  I had to completely disable the "Arming Check" instead of only "SkipGPS".  Any ideas why that might be?

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