
maybe a silly question - why isn't magnetic declination calculated in code from the GPS coordinates? Is there something that prevents it? Should be more precise and it might make a difference for those with circling problems (I fly where declination is 3.5-3.3 and it's just 30 minutes away... I'm not going to change it every time I take off)

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  • Developer

    Ok... Just had a successful test of the new automatic declination code. Marco from the dev team is also going to test it tomorrow. I'm not sure when it will hit the shelf because there are a lot of more important efforts going on right now, but consider it queued up. If you are brave enough, you can pull it from my git branch here: https://code.google.com/r/a432511-auto-declination/

  • Developer

    Good news! I have auto declination working. It produces an estimate of declination (better than nothing) which should be accurate enough for flight. It takes up 1460bytes of space. I will discuss this with the AC Dev team and see if we can get it tested and integrated in a future release.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Developer

    It is possible using a lookup table, but space is limited on these devices. I am interested though... I will see how much space something like this will take up and post back here.

  • http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1068

    This might be of interest...

    MultiWii project related stuffs
  • Moderator

    Good question, I'd like to know too?

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