dronekit-python code to set SR0 etc. on APM3.3

Can anyone help me with the specific dronekit-python code to read and write the SR0_EXTRA1 parameter (and its friends) on APM3.3?  I assume they need to be written as direct Mavlink commands.

I am having trouble holding them stable when set by Mission Planner, so want to set them direct from Raspberry Pi (on ground) via telemetry to APM at beginning of flight.


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  • Developer
    You can set the values that MP uses in the settings view. Don't set the Parameters directly.
    • There seem to be some stability issues between MP and the APM settings - and I can't get SR0_EXTRA1 in particular to stay put. I sense there may be a coding issue, and have posted question / issue on github/diydrones.

      I would rather not write it direct, but it looks possible, and I would like as a back up plan so I can force them as needed. 

      • Developer

        The image below shows where you need to set them in MP3702719777?profile=originalIf you want to write your own app for the RPi look at dronekit.io as a simple way to enable sending request data stream messages or set params (you could use MAVProxy in the RPi or even APM Planner 2.0* also)

        *(You will need a minimum resolution of 1024x600 for AP2)

        • Thanks for the input.  Unfortunately that approach is not proving stable and I sense may have a bug for APM3.3 (that Attitude should write to EXTRA1 but seems to write to EXTRA2, while EXTRA1 always gets written back to default on connection).  See details here: https://github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner/issues/1004.

          I am using dronekit-python (from dronekit.io) on RPi but can't find the specifc code (or pieces of it) to request these specific stream rates, or set them - either at python level (using the dronkit-python Mavlink call I expect) or RPi command prompt level (via Mavproxy).

          • I have good control through Mission Planner now - knowing to use F5 to commit changes after making them.  But they still reset to defaults on a new USB / telemetry connection to Mission Planner - and I am trying to work out whether that reset is triggered by Mission Planner or by the APM itself on seeing a new connection.

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