Error uploading via Arduino 0022

Since after version 2.0.23, I haven't been able to upload code using Arduino 0022.  I've tried every version from 2.0.25 to 2.0.31 with no luck. If I upload the firmware through the Mission Planner, it works fine.  But the problem is I need to be able to upload through Arduino 0022 since I have to make a minor change to the code in order to reverse the roll rotation for camera stabilization. 


I also had a friend of mine try it with his computer and still get the same error.  However he is able to upload using Arduino 0022 to his board without problems using any version.  For me only version 2.0.23 and prior are working that way. 


I have APM1280 (1.4) and Rev H.  My friend has APM1280 (1.0) and Rev H.    I would love to be able to use the newer code but am limited by not being able to use camera stabilization properly.  Any ideas on why this is?


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  • Developer

    this is a bootloader issue.


    once you do that, it should work

  • I am in the same boat as you. Chris told me that Arduino adds some debug code that the mission planner doesn't. And 2.23 is right at the limit. I think they are using avr_dude.exe and compiled hex files and I am not that advanced. I think it would be trivial if we just knew how.

    Anybody know how?

  • I don't know if this answer from Chris could be useful for you:

    Greg, if you have the old 1280 board you'll have to use the Mission Planner to load the code, since Arduino throws in some extra debugging stuff that takes it over the limit. You probably can turn off some stuff (such as datalogging) to shrink the code, but I'm afraid I'm not sure what. We're trying to shrink it so people can still use Arduino for at least one more version, but then we'll have to draw the line

  • Does anyone on the Arducopter team have any idea of why this is happening?  Please, any feedback will be helpful and appreciated.  I'd really like to be able to use the newer code.  Thanks
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