ESC beeps



 I’ve got an assembled hexa from jdrones, which has a bit fishy ESC behaviour.

When I connect lipo to my arducopter at home, I get normal ESC beeps. However, when I go to the field (and Norwegian autumn weather), and connect the same lipo, right after normal ESC beeps, ESCs start beeping constantly, with many motors twitching. Then, after a minute or two, most of the ESC "calm down", with one or two still beeping. If I then slowly rotate propeller of the beeping arm(s) by hand, I can find a "quite" zone or, other times, they get quiet by them self s.


At that point I can fly (2.0.49) my hexa without too much trouble.

To make sure: when connecting lipo, my TX is turned on with throttle on zero and mode on simple stabilized.

Anybody have any clue what's going on ?




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