I’ve got an assembled hexa from jdrones, which has a bit fishy ESC behaviour.
When I connect lipo to my arducopter at home, I get normal ESC beeps. However, when I go to the field (and Norwegian autumn weather), and connect the same lipo, right after normal ESC beeps, ESCs start beeping constantly, with many motors twitching. Then, after a minute or two, most of the ESC "calm down", with one or two still beeping. If I then slowly rotate propeller of the beeping arm(s) by hand, I can find a "quite" zone or, other times, they get quiet by them self s.
At that point I can fly (2.0.49) my hexa without too much trouble.
To make sure: when connecting lipo, my TX is turned on with throttle on zero and mode on simple stabilized.
Anybody have any clue what's going on ?
Yep,don't lower it to much.
Mine is now at 1010.
Glad I could help.
Maybe this will help
When the board stard clock 1000 us command to esc. If the minimum of esc is at 900 us for example the esc doing that kind of beep.
Uploaded a video showing the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTtGpT7stcs
Hexa flies just fine after all ESC's get quiet.