
Flir Pathfindir with MinimOSD


I hope someone can help me out here - I have a minimOSD in my FPV system, all working fine (OSD Showing up on FPV feed, etc). I swapped my FPV camera for a Flir Pathfindir, connected in exactly the same way (black -12, Red +12, and Yellow Signal) - I used servo wires as recomended to it easy to swap between the to systems. The OSD does not show up in the video stream with the Flir Connected. When I disconnect the Flir, the OSD info comes up with a black background. When I reconnect the FPV camera, all is ok again (video and OSD). I connect the Flir, and no OSD (I do get the video).

I tried:

Resetting the OSD with Flir Connected

Changed OSD Video type from NTSC to PAL.

Changed PAL video type to NTSC

I really hope I can get the Flir working with the OSD, my feeling is that the lower resolution could be the culprit, but I have no idea if this can be changed to accomodate the Flir?

The concerning thing is that there are no Flir FPV videos on the Net with OSD... has this not been done yet?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 100KM

    Hi Guys,

    The problem was a similar one to the GoPro OSD thread here - and resolved in the same way



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