Frustrated trying to compile ArduCopter!

Hi all. I'm trying to edit the ArduCopter 2.5.3 code and compile it myself. It's turning out to be surprisingly difficult! Here's where I am now:

I was able to compile using make, with lots of warnings. Then I end up with a .hex and .eep, and don't know the procedure for uploading these. I suspect I can figure it out, but instead I figured I will just use the Arduino IDE for compiling.

When I do use Arduino IDE, I get a series of  "warning: internal error: out of range error" . There is a bunch of stuff out there about needing to patch Arduino IDE in order to make it compile ArduPlane, but I can't tell if this is required for ArduCopter. Anyway, the patch isn't available for Linux, my operating system. If I had the source of this patch, or some information on what it actually does, I would be happy to compile the Arduino IDE from source.

So, my questions boil down to:

- What's the best way to upload my .hex? (Can I use APM Planner? It works great on linux now under mono.)

- Do I need the relax patch to use Arduino 0022?

- How do I get the relax patch?



Also worth noting that I wasted a lot of time trying to follow which needs to be updated or deleted since it has been incorrect for 6 months now.

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  • Hello!

    I have been compiled the Arducopter only with the folders Arducopter and Libraries, but I have a question? The follow me is included in the hex file? 

    Best Regards.

  • Aaron: The Mission Planner works well under Mono on Linux and will upload the code for you.

    Chris, yep, it's working beautifully under Mono now (as I said in my original post above)! I love it!

    But, how can I use it to upload a .hex other than the one it normally takes from the repository? Is there somewhere I can modify what path it downloads the .hex from?

  • 3D Robotics

    Aaron, if you can send me the necessary corrections to the Eclipise wiki page, I'll enter them. I don't use Eclipse myself so don't know what needs to be changed there. 

  • Developer

    Also you should be using Arduino 1.0 relaxpatch found here.

  • Developer

    Aaron, did you make sure to select the correct board in the Arduino IDE? That has gotten me several times. I would recommend pulling down fresh code (just to make sure) and then load up Arduino again. Pay close attention to:

    1. The sketchbook location which is defined in the Preferences menu. This location should be one folder up from Arducopter so that you can see the libraries folder. So something like this /My Computer/My Desktop/ardupilot-mega/ArduCopter, you want the folder in bold to be the location

    2. Then make sure to set the board in Tools->Board to Arduino Mega 2560

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