Hello all,I want to check which APM firmware version i have been using before i update it to the latest (just in case something changes). How can I do this?I also want to make some small changes to the code. How can I do this using IDLE? Specifically I want to modify the datalog so it stores the data 2 seconds after the camera triggers.Thank you for any tip how to do it!

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  • Thank you Thomas and Randy,

    Very helpful both comments. I got my version and now working on the second task changing the code.

  • Developer

    The developer wiki is here.  To change the camera logging you might want to search the code for the Log_Write_Camera() in the code to see when and how it's called.

  • Admin


    Use the CLI to view the Ardupilot firmware version: CLI Instructions


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • Dead link to CLI instructions...

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