Iris+ Cant use my telemetry


Recieved my iris+ 1 week ago, i have had 3-4 flights now and i wanted to try missions and the follow me feature.

I tryied to connect the telemetry to my android device, sony ericsson z1 compact. I cant connect, just saying no link connection.

Then i tryied to connect the telemetry with my pc, and it just said timed out. I tryied with usb cable from computer to iris+, that worked. I cant calibrate the accelerometer, just saying failed!

I have tryied to change the COM port settings to 57600 bits per second. Is there anything more i can try with ?

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  • 3D Robotics

    In Mission Planner, you can configure and check the radios in the Setup tab. Make sure you've selected the right Com port for the radios (not the same one that was assigned to Iris). With the ground radio plugged into the PC and the Iris powered on, when you click Load settings, you should get something like this. (You'll probably have a different Com port and Net ID, but the rest should be the same)


    The ground 3DR radio should have solid green light when connected, and a flashing red light when transferring data. 

    • After i pushed the load settings, my looks like this:

      Is it correct?


      • I cant connect with the telemetry wirless with mission planner.. I can only connect with the usb from computer to iris in mission planner.

        The telemetry is showing a green blinking light, not solid.

        When i have connected in mission planner with the usb, i cant calibrate the accelerometer

        • Now its working, i had to add the NETID that was written on the iris+. I had to find the label inside the iris+, after that it worked. 

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