JSBSim S-Function for Matlab/Simulink

Quick introduction first: My name is Brian Mills and I've been employed in the commercial flight sim industry for 8+ years.Recently I've been working on an S-Function that integrates JSBSim (the default flight dynamic model for FlightGear open source flight simulator) into Simulink. Anyone who has read the interview with Curtis Olsen about the utility of using FlightGear for HIL testing will probably be very interested in this. By bringing JSBSim into Matlab/Simulink, a UAV designer can develop and test the FDM model within Simulink, and once completed, can then develop control systems and sensor models using Simulink tools. This means an entire UAV vehicle and guidance control system could be developed and tested using an established flight simulation product running in Simulink.If anyone is interested in testing this please PM me and I can email you the .rar. Its about 28MB. As an alternative, I hope to upload the project to Mathworks.com soon and get it on the JSBSim-Matlab sourceforge siteFYI, this is still "beta" and there is more work to be done. Also, since many people do not have access to Matlab, I hope that in the near future a version for the free ScicoLab can be released.

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  • Hi!

    I am an engineering student in Aerospace Engineering at Bachelor level. In my final year I want to simulate an UAV model in Matlab/Simulink. Do you have any idea about where to start? have a little bit of knowledge about matlab/simulink from degree course.


    Kind Regards

  • Hi,


    I'm a 3rd year Aerospace Engineering student and am doing a project entitled, 'Simulink 3D Animation for Teaching Dynamics'.

    The aim of the project is to create a flight simulator using Simulink and Simulink 3D Animation which also gives graphical views of the aircraft responses to joystick inputs.


    I've downloaded what appears to be the latest version of the SFunction but am having trouble making it work..

    Also I have no idea where to start with the project.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated..


  • Hello

    Please would you send me this program and I would like to ask you is there blimp model in this version.

    an other question is : what is the difference between your matlab version and the version produced by the main developer of JSBsim?


    I want to work on the formation control for the landscape coverage by blimps. would you please what is your suggestion to select a good flight dynamic simulator and visualization tools?




    Thanks a lot


    Thanks a lot

  • Hello

    Please would you send me this program and I would like to ask you is there blimp model in this version.

    an other question is : what is the difference between your matlab version and the version produced by the main developer of JSBsim?


    I want to work on the formation control for the

  • Please download the latest release here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5284957/JSBSim_MATLAB_release.zip

    It is still quite "beta" and because I do not have a 32-bit machine at the moment, there are only win64 versions of the MEX files compiled. I hope to have a release soon that will include 32-bit versions of the MEX files.
  • Very nice!!! I will install this soon.
  • I have completed a major update to the project with numerous bug fixes and a completely new file structure. Please download it here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5284957/JSBSimSFunction.zip.

    I think you will find that it is a major improvement over any previous version of the project. Please feel free to give me any feedback.


  • Here is the link to the latest project release

    The new release features win64 compiled versions of the SFunctions and the Trim and Linearization functions. Unfortunately, the documentation is still not finished, but there are some basic instructions provided in the GUI Help and the Readme file. I hope to have the documentation finished for the next release. I also hope to have a Mac OS version that will be compiled by Agostino included at some point, as well as a Linux OS version.

    Thanks for downloading!


    A major new upgrade to the JSBSim S-Function project will be released very soon - a trim and linearization function! The foundation for the trim and linearization script was originally part of the Aerosim blockset and was written by Marius Niculescu of U-Dynamics. He generously allowed me to incorporate it into the project.

    Now when a model is selected to run in the GUI, it can be trimmed to the flight condition and control inputs that are in the GUI fields. After trimming it will be linearized with decoupled state-space matrices and eigen-values printed to the workspace. The new trimmed states and control inputs are then available for use in subsequent

    There is also a win64 compiled mex file in the project ( I hope to have a Mac OS version in the near future as well.)

    I am waiting on some feedback and a few documentation changes before I release the project, but it won't be long.

    Best Regards,

    Brian Mills
  • New JSBSim SFunction release here

    Just some minor changes for now...
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