Lost GPS and speed up problem


I have been flying my quadcopter with mission planner in Korea and happy about its auto navigation flying. 

However, 1 out of 7 or 8 attempts the mission was failed due to lost gps signal in the middle of waypoints.

As a robotics engineer myself, losing gps signal is acceptable but what I can't understand is the behavior of the copter as it start moving faster to somewhere so that I have to switch to rc control mode. 

Sometimes I was confused with its orientation and almost crash the copter. 

If there is an option preventing this to happen or threads about this issue, please let me know. 

Otherwise I think the firmware must be updated to fix this problem.



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  • Make sure that the compass is not getting interference,

    Make sure the the GPS is not to close to a power interferance , conditioning magnets or anything else...

    Then do a recalibration and try again... Have had the same issues however they seem to resolve themselves

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