minimOSD Fried???

Hello everyone:

Only after reading the page ArducamOSD I learned that I could not connect if minimOSD pixhawk was connected by the USB port. I did and after that the letters are blurred or not seen anything. I will have destroyed the osd ???

Thank you

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  • Dont use ArducamOsd try minimosd-extra. Ive only got APM and ive never had problems using my minim-osd with power while the APM is powered via the USB.

    • I just did and it seems not work. The letters are blurred and no information is shown. 
      First I upgraded the firmware to MinimOSD-Extra_Plane_Pre-release_2.4_r703.hex and then upgrade to MinimOSD_2.4.mcm.

      I'm doing something wrong ???? 
      Thank you

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