Moving Waypoints in flight

Hi, I am planning to upgrade my Ardupilot to have telemetry, was wondering if it is possible to then edit and move or even add waypoints midflight? I am using it on an RC boat, so some glitching while it updates is ok, is this possible?


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  • Thanks! In-flight waypoint addition or movement seems to be a feature of higher-end FCCs, glad to hear mega will have it... when do you think mega will be stable, was happy to see beta testing had started.

    Anyone you know has used ardupilot on an rc boat?
  • Developer
    It is possible with the current ArduPilot if you want to rewrite significant portions of the code. Search the site for posts about successful implementations of 2 way telemetry with the current ArduPilot. You would need to implement something similar, as well as some code to replace the old waypoints with new.
  • Moderator
    Just sharing some info i found use full about the recommended xbee modules for telemetry, from what i heard they will be compatible with the ardupilot mega board so if you are buying them you will not need to get new ones. However it is possible to use them for 2way telemetry but not with the current ardupilot board
  • 3D Robotics
    ArduPilot just has one-way telemetry. You'll have to wait for ArduPilot Mega for two way.
  • Moderator
    I would have thought getting a signal to a boat in a river would have been more of an issue. If its open water better, but you will have to make the base station antenna high cos you'll soon be over the RF horizon.
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