MTK GPS to FTDI Cable?

I purchased the GPS to FTDI cable but I need to know the orientation of the cable on the FTDI end.  The adapter cable has a GPS plug on one end and open pins on the other with 3 black and 1 red cable.  What colors/pins go to the FTDI cable?


Any help or diagrams would be appreciated.

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  • The GPS comes with a stubby cable that's not good for anything, so I built my own FTDI adapter out of it, using pinouts found on DIYDrones/Sparkfun.  Cut the GPS cable in half and you can build two. :)

  • FYI on the latest batch of FTDI to GPS cables from DIY Drones Store:


    Hi Adam,

    You are absolutely correct! Our cables are wrong =X! We just looked at our stock and they are all like this. Thank you for e-mailing us about this. We have had them in stock this way since the new year.

    The cable will not fry your board because the Voltage and Ground are in the correct position. However the RX and TX are flipped in your version so you would not be able to read/upload any data.

    We are trying to figure out how we are going to handle this as a bunch of these cables went out. It's funny that on one else has e-mailed me about their cable. I'll keep you posted as to what we will do.

    Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and thank you once again!

    DIY Drones

  • 3D Robotics
    Yours looks a bit different from mine, but I think the Red wire goes, ironically enough, to the FTDI's black wire. Mine has a black wire there instead.

    Check out the manual for the correct pin mappings:
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