New motors. Himodel C3410 unfortunately useless.

Just got some of these

To replace my other 530kv motors.


Faults listed in order of discovery.


Initially they felt like good quality, but 2 of the 4 had excessive end-play, so much that you could make the 2 half’s of the motor touch. Upon opening there was a small spacer ring missing from the sloppy 2.


The top bearing housing is very loose and the bearing just fell out (after opening), again lots of play.


In the above link you will see a grubscrew to hold the shaft. 2 of my motors had multiple attempts to drill and tap the holes. It was a complete mash up. On one they had given up and glued the grubscrew in place.


All the above are niggles but this is the killer. When you tighten the prop driver it pulls the shaft through the motor and locks the 2 motor half’s together.


Bad design backed up with appalling engineering. Very disappointing.


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  • Just discovered there is a flat machined on the shaft. What could be wrong with that? Installed opposite side to the grubscrew.

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