NO GPS after firmware update

I've started flying a Quadcopter (X configuration) with a Pixhawk 2.4.8 with a UBlox m8n GPS, without any big issues apart from the ones connected to the fact that I'm complete newbie on RC.

Anyway, some days ago I was experimenting some custom firmware to allow telemetry to be read from Frsky battery sensor along a few other data, but I soon realized that I might as well upgrade to the latest version of Pixhawk firmare, and that's what I did. I currently have the APM copter 3.5.3.

Unfortunately, since I've installed this firmware (actually I'm not sure if it is related or not), but my pixhawk is not detecting the Ublox GPS. I'm assuming it's not detecting the hardware itself since the information I get from Mission Planner is "GPS: No GPS". So, it's not a matter of not acquiring a GPS fix, but it's really a matter of not detecting the hardware?

I've left the GPS outside for a good hour to see if I was able to get a fix... but nothing

I'm still getting a blinking blue light from the Ublox GPS. Is it the GPS or some kind of configuration I should perform after the upgrade to this new firmware?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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