no start on APM2 quadcopter

Ok first build, used mission planner to install firmware and calibrate radio, receiver is bound , everything shows up on the calibration screen correctly for all the channels, but when I go for a startup nothing happens? What is the unlock secret I don't know?



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  • GPS  has 3d fix, accelerometer calibrated, radio calibrated, got it to unlock and the thing doesn't respond right at all to the radio. Had to strap it down to try and figure out what was wrong, controls aren't working right even though it shows them correct on mission planner. Any ideas?

    • Okay getting closer to problem, while hooked to computer gyro acts perfectly on hud. when I go to start the quad, it doesn't start until 3/4 throttle and the gyro is all off. while holding It, it tries to flop  onto its side? wont stabilize. all motors are turning correctly, LF-CW, RF-CCW, LR-CCW, RR-CW?

  • 3D Robotics

    With RC, the arm is hold left stick bottom right, but if you've accidentally reversed one of your channels, it could be top right or bottom left (if so, you'll know which one needs to be reversed). 

    Or just do it within Mission Planner with the action tab at the bottom right. If it won't arm, it will tell you why on the HUD.

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