Open pins on apm/oilpan

After some searching and some going through the eagle files of the APM and the Oilpan, Im having a hard time finding which pins are open/available to be used at the programmers discretion. It looks like Analog0-5 is broken out on the oilpan, and An6-7 are on the expansion header. But it also seems like An15-8 arent connected to anything but a dummy header as well. Im sure not all digital pins have been used on the 1280. Is there any documentation for what pins on the 1280 are preassigned to what when using the oilpan/apm combo and what ones arent currently assigned to anything (just sitting in dummy/headers)?


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  • Developer
    Just added some explanations about IMU pins on our repository..

    This should clarify few issues. Number after pin name is IO pin number in Arduino.



    Here is a picture of the IMU board with the breakouts labelled (same as underside of IMU) but dont forget things like the i2c are digital pins that you could use rather than the AN pins.
    Having trouble spotting the pins under the SW1 pins? anyone know?
    Not that I've ran out of pins yet :D
  • Developer
    I can't think of anywhere other than the eagle files that this is documented at present.
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