Paparazzi UAV Project

Hey everyone,I got the build plans for the Tiny v2.11 from the paparazzi web page and took it to a company to build for me. I have little programming experience and haven't worked in linux before. The thing is that it isn't programmed like when you buy it from a place like ppzuav. Can someone please help with how i should go about getting it programmed as they do at ppzuav before they ship it?Another big thing is that the plane we are using only has an elevator and a rudder. How should i modify the airframe folder so that it will work with the Tiny autopilot?Thank you

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  • Does anyone know if and where you can buy a Tiny board assembled? I understand it's an open source project but my soldering skills are just not up to it and The website seems to have a few dead end links for suppliers (ppzuav is down at the moment).
  • Well Jano simply but you need to have an FTDI device that will take your USB and convert it into 3.3V serial. PPZUAV sells them. You then load the bootloader via this connection from the terminal using the command make upload_bl. Once you do this you can plug a miniusb cable into the adapter which you may not have. If you dont then you need to solder up a USB connector to a picoblade(again PPZUAV has theset) and then you can flash as normal. As far as modifying the airframe file you need to say that @ROLL is commanded by the rudder, and the AP will figure out the rest from there.

    AJ Kochevar
  • I own multiple Tiny 2.11s - They are rock solid, have an outstanding open source community behind them, great hardware providers which build up complete systems. Very affordable, with some serious advanced capabilities, like running flight simulation, running realtime navigation, being able to setup autoland, being able to change flight plans in-flight...

    I would to the community forums for paparazzi, there is much learning to do to be proficient in utilizing this AP correctly....

    That said, if you do get the money to order from say PPZUAV you will not be dissapointed. Makes getting airborne a whole lot faster then attempting to build it out DIY...very hard to do....
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