Pixhawk 3.2 - Crazy Yaw, RC ingnore, Fall.


On Monday, my Octocopter was flying well in Loiter mode. Suddenly, it started to rotate yaw without control, ignoring all from RC controller. I even put the Throttle stick at 0 position, and it keeps rotating yaw in the air. Suddenly, it stoped rotating and I could control it again. 

On Tuesday, with another Pixhawk, it was flying well in Loiter mode and Suddenly felt.

I've seen in the second fly log that it started to yaw again before fall. I've been hours analysing the logs and didn't find a conclusion.

Note: the Current measurements are only from a motor, the total current is too high for the sensor.


2015-01-27 12-55-58.log

2015-01-28 13-02-03.log

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  • log *03; 

    First; both logs indicate that there is something seriously wrong with the build, motors 1,2,7,8 work much harder than 3,4,5,6  - I do not know why your struggle that much - but all CW rotating motors should equal CCW rotating ones when not yawing.

    check proper propeller placement, type,  and motor health.

    Ok, back to log3 - it flies well (but logs shows it's in pain)  - until you kill throttle, (RCIN.RC3)   - then gravity does the rest.  It seems to me you subconsciously needed an excuse to build it properly - so you crashed it.  :)

    • Thank you for helping.

      I think you are rigth, there is a problem with motors. But is a very weird reaction, isn't it?

      I see I killed throttle before landing (glup). The problem I have with stabilize is that I'm not a very good pilot and there is a quite high wind in my flying zone, so I'm very afraid to loose control and get worse situation.

      Thank you again.

      • You should learn to be good in stabilize, at least proficient to fly in it. with enough flying, it will save you some day.

        Yes the reaction was weird, but I think something was wrong with the direction of propellers/motors.

        It seems that all motors with one rotation direction increased throttle until it maxed out, and rotation only gets faster, I think motors/rotation direction was wrong on some motors. so it was unable to compensate beyond a sertain thrust level.   (a reversed propeller can generate little lift (much turbulence) - but still give lots of yaw)

        Put it together as documentation says, (observe propellers direction, and so no are upside-down) do a test -hover, and check your logs. Unless it has have a strange CG , you should see all motors operate at similar PWM (RCOUT.Chan*) during hover, climb or descend.

  • log *58 : I can't see the reason to yaw, I see it follows DesYaw pretty fine - and Land does decrease altitude.  - Also, the Yawing stopped before you hit land.

    What I cannot understand - is why you did not switch to stabilize once you got trouble, that would be the right thing to do this close, and maybe made it possible to guess what failed.

  • Here is a screen of the yaw during the first fly. As you can see, it did nothing when I activated "Land".


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