Hi all,

I am using a pixhawk and ardurover (v3.01) to control a RC boat. 

I am using mission planner v1.3.41 using an RFD 868+ set to link to the boat, The antenna's and radios were bought 2 months ago as a kit from rfdesign,

While trying to connect, I get a poor link quality, while the rssi, remote rssi are quite high (>210) and the noise levels are quite low <80.

Still, I get a poor link quality, which varies anywhere from 8 to 35%. The remote radio and boat are about 2m separated in my workshop, so the distance is not an issue.

I have powered the remote radio (in the boat) using a separate 5V BEC to make sure that there is no voltage drop while transmitting at high output levels. Anyway, I've tried to reduce the output power from the standard 100mW to 10mW, but that didn;t make any difference.

Attached rssi.png which shows the rssi and noise levels. There are no rx errors, see errors.png.

The radio settings are kept as default, see radio%20settigns.PNG.

I have checked the difference if I set ECC or OP RESEND on on both radio's, but that doesn't make any difference. 

Anybody any idea's what may cause the poor link quality? It varies day by day. Sometimes it is not more than 7%, other days it goes all the way to 35%. I even had 100% for a few seconds while switching it on, but so far the quality is rather poor, such that the mission planner flight controller (the connection) is so slow that it can hardly be used. 

Thanks for your help!



radio settigns.PNG

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